well, as of SEPT 1, 2011 I decided to take part on a personal experiment: an apparel diet.
Part of my experience in Graduate School is writing a thesis. To be brutally honest, apparel and the word thesis/research/academia/theory ( in my opinion ) don't go together. Unless you are discussing topics of consumer behavior - why we purchase the products we purchase, what kind of image we are attempting to set for ourselves.. etc.
I have excellent mentors in my program, ones that are very on trend in their thinking of the future when it comes to the apparel industry. Discussusions with them and countless hours of reading various journals, trade magazines, etc.. I have decided to focus on generation Y (those born after 1980) their spending habits and addiction to FAST FASHION. who doesn't love going into H&M, spending $300 and coming out with a whole season worth of closet material!
I calculated all my spending from Jan 2011 to Sept 2011 and realized I was spending money (and lots of it) each week on apparel and its related items. Not only was a I spending money that could be put away into a savings account (or towards the purchase of my princess mattress I hope to be sleeping on SOON), but I was also being very wasteful to my environment. It has been an amazing experience so far .. ususally if I can't find something to wear out of my TWO WALK IN CLOSETS and 2 FREE STANDING clothing racks, I would just go out and buy something! With this being day 20.. I have been finding things in my closet(s) that I forgot I had.. finding items that I can tweak. For instance.. I really really really really want the NEW fedora hat trend.. you know, the one with the feather and the gorgeous trim?? Well, I have 3 different fedora hats and only wear ONE. I took one of the virgin fedora hats, found some ribbion lying around, a few feathers (from my milo b jewelry stash) and fashioned a NEW on trend fedora! (picture will be posted soon).
Today I am wearing a necklace I created using my grandma's vintage fabrics from the 60s-70s..
To me, this is a time to experiment (for the sake of research and desire in being an eco chic fashionista) with repurposing, making less waste, all while still holding on to my love of creativitiy + apparel + invdividuality.
wish. me. luck.